With our wonderful Lifestyle Assistant, Lizzy.

On Sunday 7 August, we celebrate Aged Care Employee Day by honouring Australia's residential, home and community aged care workers. This year’s theme #ThanksforCaring recognises everyone involved in caring for older Australians.
This year, we asked our wonderful Lifestyle Assistant, Lizzy, to share her aged care journey and what working at Kewarra Aged Care means to her.
Born and raised in New Zealand, at age 14 Lizzy worked at the local hospital as a care/theatre assistant. Her family decided to move to Australia when she was a teenager and her love for healthcare meant it was a natural progression for her to work in the aged care sector.
When Lizzy moved to Australia, she worked as a community care assistant in Cairns which involved taking people shopping and helping them around the house. She went on to work in the Kalgoorlie Mines for seven years before returning to Trinity Beach where she worked as a bakery manager whilst looking after her elderly parents.
When Lizzy’s mother passed away, her father moved into care at Kewarra Aged Care where she often visited on a regular basis and offered care for her father until he passed away. Lizzy was then offered a position at Kewarra Aged Care and soon after progressed to being part of the amazing lifestyle team.
Lizzy tells us that she loves her job at Kewarra. To be able to see the residents laughing, smiling and happy to have formed relationships with residents and hearing their life stories, she loves her role at the home and the experience of being around some wonderful people.
She says, ‘I am proud to have found some life-long friends here at Kewarra and I feel that everyone I work with is family, we always help and support one another’.