Visit us at the Positive Ageing Expo and enter the draw for your chance to win 14 days free respite care. *
Friday 16 September 2022 9:30 am – 1:00 pm
Cairns Performing Arts Precinct 9-11 Florence Street, Cairns City QLD 4870
*Entries must be submitted by Friday 16 September. Details must be submitted via the Contact Us form on Kewarragedcare.com.au. One prize will be awarded subject to accommodation availability. The prize consists of 14 consecutive nights free respite accommodation. All Daily Care Fees as advertised at the time of redeeming the prize are complimentary. The prize may be transferred to a person nominated by the prize winner. The prize will be randomly drawn Friday 23 September. The winner will be notified via the contact details provided on their entry form within 14 days of the draw. If reasonable efforts to contact the prize winner within 14 days are unsuccessful, the prize will be redrawn. The prize winner, or the person nominated by the prize winner, must have an ACAT assessment in place and have a minimum of 14 days of their annual respite allocation available to be eligible to receive respite care as a result of the prize draw. If an ACAT assessment is not in place the prize will not be redeemable for any other offer and the prize may be redrawn.